All types of excursion services, master classes at the Museum`s exposition, the use of audio guides require the purchase of entrance tickets according to the category of visitors. When using the audio guide, a deposit of 1000 rubles is charged. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, admission to the Museum is free (no more than two people).
вт-вс с 11:00 до 20:00, чт с 12:00 до 21:00
пн - выходной
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat from 10:00 to 20:00, Thu from 11:00 to 21:00,
Mon – closed
Ticket sales at the ticket offices stop 30 minutes before the Museum closes.
Visitors belonging to the privileged categories can get a free ticket at the museum's ticket office. In case of purchasing a free or discounted ticket, visitors are obliged to show a document confirming the right to a benefit at the control.
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun from 11:00 to 19:00, Sat from 11:00 to 20:00,
Thurs from 12:00 to 21:00, Mon – closed
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun from 11:00 to 19:00, Sat from 11:00 to 20:00,
Thu from 12:00 to 21:00, Mon – closed
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun from 11:00 to 18:00,
Mon – closed
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun from 11:00 to 19:00,
Thurs and Sat from 11:00 to 20:00, Mon – closed
Территория мемориального комплекса открыта для осмотра ежедневно – с 9.00 до 21.00 (вход посетителей свободный), экспозиции и выставки работают с 9.00 до 17.30. Продажа билетов прекращается за 30 минут до закрытия.
пн-сб с 09:00 до 17:00, вс — выходной.
Территория открыта с 9:00 до 21:00
A sightseeing tour of the entire museum exposition, dedicated to the most important events in the history of Russia in the mid-XIX – early XXI centuries.
The cost of excursion service:
- 6000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
+7 (495) 699-67-24
The tour tells about the history of the mansion on Tverskaya, 21, architectural and artistic features of the building; as well as about the traditions of the Moscow English Club, its influence on the formation of public opinion of the Russian nobility and about the most famous members of the club, including A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, P. Ya. Chaadaev, I. A. Krylov and many others. Finally, about the creation in 1924 of the Museum of the Revolution of the USSR (now the Museum of Modern History of Russia).
Excursions are available for all categories of visitors.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
We also invite you to visit the tour as a part of a team group (from two people)
Session schedule: Saturday-Sunday, 15.00
The cost of a ticket for an excursion (for one person) - 450 rubles
An additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased.
Address: Tverskaya, 21
+7 (495) 699-67-24
This period of history contained colossal changes and great upheavals: the reforms of Alexander II, the development of science and culture at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907, the First World War of 1914-1918, the revolutionary 1917, the formation of the USSR, the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Soviet the atomic project, the world's first flight into space.
Excursions are conducted for all categories of visitors.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
We also invite you to visit the tour as a part of a team group (from two people)
Session schedule: Saturday, 14.00
The cost of a ticket for an excursion (for one person) - 450 rubles
An additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased.
+7 (495) 699-67-24
The tour is dedicated to the events of the newest period of Russian history from 1985 to the present – the time of cardinal changes in the life of society and the state. The main feature of the exhibition is the combination of authentic museum objects and modern multimedia technologies.
The cost of excursion service:
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 10 people)
- 2000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
For an additional excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
+7 (495) 699-67-24
Every weekend in the museums of GTSMSIR (Tverskaya, 21; Museum "Presnya"; Apartment of G. M. Krzhizhanovsky; "Underground printing house", Museum-Gallery E. Yevtushenko) as part of the "FAMILY IN THE MUSEUM" campaign, sightseeing tours are held for family groups of up to 5 people.
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Pre-registration by phone is mandatory!
Tour desk:
The cost of excursion service: 2000 rubles. (up to 5 people)
The cost of excursion service: 1200 rubles. (up to 5 people)
The cost of excursion service: 1200 rubles. (up to 5 people)
The cost of excursion service: 1000 rubles. (up to 5 people)
The cost of excursion service: 1200 rubles. (up to 5 people)
The tour tells about rare items from the Museum's stock collection, created by the best masters of their time and presented in the exhibition. These are unique exhibits from collections of ceramics, wood, bone, propaganda porcelain, art lacquers, reflecting the most important events of national and world history.
Excursions are conducted for all categories of visitors.
The cost of excursion service:
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 10 people)
- 2000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person.
Address: Tverskaya, 21
The tour is devoted to the history of the Russian Empire during the reign of the last three emperors of the House of Romanov – Alexander II, Alexander III, Nicholas II, the era of the Great Reforms of the 60-70s of the XIX century, the peculiarities of Russia's foreign and domestic policy of this period.
The cost of the excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group of up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group of up to 5 people)
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
+7 (495) 699-67-24
The tour is devoted to the history of the Russian Empire during the reign of the last three emperors of the House of Romanov – Alexander II, Alexander III, Nicholas II, the era of the Great Reforms of the 60-70s of the XIX century, the peculiarities of Russia's foreign and domestic policy of this period.
The cost of the excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group of up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group of up to 5 people)
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
+7 (495) 699-67-24
During the tour, visitors will be able to learn more about the causes and course of the revolutionary events in Russia at the beginning of the XX century, about the activities of political parties, about the creation and work of the State Duma in 1906-1914. Special attention is paid to the preparation and implementation of reforms under the leadership of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers P. A. Stolypin.
The cost of the excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group of up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group of up to 5 people)
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
The tour tells about the causes and the beginning of the First World War of 1914-1918, about the main battles involving the Russian army, about weapons and front-line life of soldiers, about the development of the internal situation in Russia and the results of the military confrontation.
The cost of the excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group of up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group of up to 5 people)
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
+7 (495) 699-67-24
The tour tells about the causes and the beginning of the First World War of 1914-1918, about the main battles involving the Russian army, about weapons and front-line life of soldiers, about the development of the internal situation in Russia and the results of the military confrontation.
The cost of the excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group of up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group of up to 5 people)
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
+7 (495) 699-67-24
The tour is devoted to the events of the Russian Revolution of 1917, the activities of the Provisional Government and political parties, the formation of Soviet statehood, the beginning of the Civil War, the development of hostilities on the fronts, the economic situation in the country during the period of upheaval. Among the exhibits are a portrait of A.F. Kerensky, a machine-gun car of the Red Army, political posters and leaflets, as well as a multimedia interactive map of the Civil War.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
The tour tells about the formation of the Soviet Union, the implementation of a new economic policy in the 1920s, collectivization and industrialization, the socio-political life of the country in the 1930s. The exhibition presents the first tractor of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, the jackhammer of A. G. Stakhanov, the helmet of the famous test pilot V. P. Chkalov, a map of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made of marble.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
The tour tells about the formation of the Soviet Union, the implementation of a new economic policy in the 1920s, collectivization and industrialization, the socio-political life of the country in the 1930s. The exhibition presents the first tractor of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, the jackhammer of A. G. Stakhanov, the helmet of the famous test pilot V. P. Chkalov, a map of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made of marble.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
The tour is devoted to the history of the struggle of the Soviet people against Nazi Germany in 1941-1945, the main battles, the feat of home front workers, the activities of Soviet diplomacy during the war. Special attention is paid to the foreign policy of the USSR in the late 1930s, the events of the outbreak of World War II, the restoration of the patriarchate, the trial of Nazi war criminals in Nuremberg. Among the unique exhibits are items from the Brest Fortress, things of the young hero-scout Sasha Filippov, a German SIEMENS phone taken as a trophy from the headquarters of Field Marshal Paulus in Stalingrad.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
The tour is devoted to the development of the domestic nuclear project, post-war repressions, socio-economic and political development of the country during the leadership of N. S. Khrushchev and L. I. Brezhnev. The issues of foreign and domestic policy of the USSR, the development of industry, technology and science, new socio-cultural phenomena and features of everyday life of Soviet people are considered.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
The tour is devoted to the reformist activities of Mikhail Gorbachev, the policy of democratization and glasnost, the "new political thinking" in international relations, as well as the movement of the Union republics for national sovereignty and the subsequent collapse of the USSR.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
+7 (495) 699-67-24
The tour is dedicated to the development of science and art in the late XIX - early XX centuries and the fate of outstanding Russian scientists: D.I. Mendeleev, I. P. Pavlov, I. I. Mechnikov. Visitors will see unique paintings from the Museum's collection, authentic costumes of theater and circus artists, fragments of the first Russian films.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
The educational program introduces visitors to the history of Russia from the middle of the XIX century to the present day. The format of the quiz game will allow visitors to test their knowledge of history, logical thinking, memory and ingenuity. The guests of the program will get acquainted with the era of the last emperors of Russia, go through the decades of the heyday of the Soviet state, trace the path of the formation of the modern Russian Federation.
The cost of excursion service:
- 4000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
The program is dedicated to the era of the reign of Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II. Its participants will be able not only to learn more about the history of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX - early XX century, but also to complete a quest through the Museum's exposition with a guidebook.
Your child's birthday at the Museum of Modern History of Russia is an unforgettable journey into the past and future!
The festive program is made taking into account the wishes and age of the birthday boy.
The museum offers ready-made scenarios of a children's holiday to choose from:
"Visiting the past"
Elementary school students plunge into the atmosphere of the past years (ser. XIX-beginning. XX century), will get acquainted with the "student", "railroad worker", "seasoned Russian soldier", will feel like participants in historical events.
Creative tasks and riddles are waiting for visitors, and at the end of the program — a historical quiz.
"Our superheroes"
The participants of the program are transferred to the era of 1950-60. What did people dream about watching the lights of the first artificial satellites of the Earth in the night sky? How did schoolchildren and their parents live when the first person saw our planet from space? Who conquered the North and South Poles, explored new lands, won world championships? Who did all the boys and girls of the Soviet Union look up to, who were their idols?
The program tells about Soviet superheroes: cosmonauts, athletes, polar explorers, film actors.
"On the rails of history"
We invite young visitors to make an unforgettable journey. Having received a train ticket, the guys, together with their fellow travelers – famous figures of the epoch of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries – will hit the road. Travelers will get acquainted with the history of Russian railways, visit different parts of the country, learn about the construction of wagons for various purposes, about the life of passengers, about the role of railway transport during the years of war and peace. Moving along the rails of history, completing tasks and solving puzzles, participants of the interactive game will be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the past.
Interesting creative tasks, quizzes, riddles are waiting for children. After the tour, the participants will go to the creative workshop, where they will make a photo album with wishes and congratulations. Each participant will arrange his photo in a postcard frame, and decorate it with decorative elements of his choice in the scrapbooking technique, and write wishes to the birthday boy. At the end, we will combine the postcards into a photo album and present them as a gift to the hero of the occasion.
After the excursion program, all guests will be invited to a tea party.
Group: up to 10 people. Age from 7 – 12 years
Duration: 2.5 hours.
The cost of the program: 10,000 rubles.
References and recording: +7 (495) 699 -67-24 /
Teachers of humanitarian subjects are invited to independently study with students at expositions and exhibitions at the Museum of Modern History of Russia (by appointment).
Entrance for the teacher and students is by tickets to the Museum. It is possible to provide methodological assistance by the Museum staff.
If you have any questions about organizing a history lesson at the Museum, please contact the tour desk. Phone: +74956996724. E-mail:
Young visitors will embark on an extraordinary journey accompanied by the curator of museum treasures. Each participant will receive an itinerary with an image of exhibits, exciting tasks, puzzles and games. The quest ends with a creative master class.
The cost of excursion service:
- 6000 rubles. (group up to 10 people)
- 3000 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
When ordering an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
The participants of the program are transferred to the era of 1950-60. What did people dream about watching the lights of the first artificial satellites of the Earth in the night sky? How did schoolchildren and their parents live when the first person saw our planet from space? Who conquered the North and South Poles, explored new lands, won world championships? Who did all the boys and girls of the Soviet Union look up to, who were their idols?
The program tells about Soviet superheroes: cosmonauts, athletes, polar explorers, film actors.
The cost of excursion service:
- 5000 rubles. (group of up to 15 people)
- 2500 rubles. (group of up to 5 people)
To participate in the program, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
During participation in the program, students will learn about the main professions of the XIX, XX and XXI centuries. Which of them are forever gone, and which will be in demand in the future.
A specially designed workbook "Who to be" will help children understand the world of professions and, perhaps, find something of their own.
The cost of excursion service:
- 5000 rubles. (group of up to 15 people)
- 2500 rubles. (group of up to 5 people)
To participate in the program, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
Elementary school students plunge into the atmosphere of the past years (ser. XIX-beginning. XX century), get acquainted with the "student", "railroad worker", "seasoned Russian soldier", feel like participants in historical events.
Creative tasks and riddles are waiting for visitors, and at the end of the program — a historical quiz.
The cost of excursion service:
- 5000 rubles. (group of up to 15 people)
- 2500 rubles. (group of up to 5 people)
To participate in the program, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tverskaya, 21
The history of the fleet originates from the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1667 on the construction of the first Russian warship "Eagle". The Navy is the pride of Russia, and the profession of a sailor is one of the most honorable. In our interactive quest - the history of the Russian fleet over the past 150 years: cruisers and battleships, nuclear icebreakers and submarines, naval aviation, and the most important - people: sailors devoted to their favorite business.
We invite young visitors to make an unforgettable journey. Having received a train ticket, the guys, together with their fellow travelers – famous figures of the epoch of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries – will hit the road. Travelers will get acquainted with the history of Russian railways, visit different parts of the country, learn about the construction of wagons for various purposes, about the life of passengers, about the role of railway transport during the years of war and peace. Moving along the rails of history, completing tasks and solving puzzles, participants of the interactive game will be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the past.
The cost of the excursion per group is 6000 rubles (up to 10 people) and 3000 rubles (up to 5 people).
The sightseeing tour introduces the Museum, namely, the history of Russian everyday life of the past century and the events of the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907. During the tour, visitors will learn how the lives of ordinary people have changed under the influence of global historical events. The excursion service includes dioramas "Heroic Presnya. 1905".
The cost of excursion service:
- 3000 rubles. (up to 15 people)
- 2000 rubles. (5 people)
For an excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Bolshoy Predtechensky lane, 4
+7 (499) 252-30-35
The tour tells about the revolutionary events of 1905-1907. Special attention is paid to the events that took place in revolutionary Moscow in 1905: political demonstrations and the strike movement of January — October 1905 and the December armed uprising. The tour includes a visit to the diorama "Heroic Presnya. 1905". In conclusion, visitors will get acquainted with the history of the creation of the first Russian parliament and political movements in Russia.
The cost of excursion service:
- 2000 rubles. (group of up to 15 people)
- 1200 rubles. (group of up to 5 people)
- 350 rubles. (individual excursion ticket)
For the tour, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Bolshoy Predtechensky lane, 4
+7 (499) 252-30-35
Route: Industrialists Prokhorov Square – Bolshoy Predtechensky lane – Novovagankovsky Lane, Trekhgorny Val – Rochdelskaya Street – Trekhgorka.
In the Presnensky district of Moscow, many buildings have been preserved – witnesses of the successful private textile business of the Prokhorov family, the founders of the Trekhgornaya Manufactory. The founder of the dynasty – Vasily Ivanovich – was a real self-made man of the beginning of the XIX century. Successful production and social responsibility are the credo of the Prokhorov family of industrialists. A kindergarten for the children of workers, a vocational school, canteens and barracks for the workers of Trekhgorka, and the famous factory buildings – all this is on our route.
Cost: full ticket – 500 rubles. Audio equipment is provided.
Time of the event: during the summer, every Saturday and Sunday.
Start at 17.00. Duration: ~ 2 hours.
+7 499 252 30 35
The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Church of St. Nicholas, the Church of the Holy Nine Martyrs of Cyzicus, , the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary... During the route, we will tell you about the spiritual life in the industrial and working district of Moscow, introduce the history of temples, trace their fate, which reflected the historical vicissitudes of the twentieth century. And together with the visitors, we will try to find an answer to the question of what the church meant in the everyday life of Muscovites at the beginning of the twentieth century.
The cost of excursion service:
Walking tour for groups from 2 to 15 people: 500 rubles.
Time of the event: during the summer, every Saturday and Sunday.
Start at 17.00. Duration: ~ 2 hours.
Address: Bolshoy Predtechensky lane, 4
+7 (499) 252-30-35
At the beginning of the twentieth century Presnya became the center of the revolutionary movement. Workers and intellectuals took part in the events of the December armed uprising, it was secretly financed by industrialists. Many eyewitnesses of these stormy days have left their memories. During the tour, the Museum staff will show where the impregnable barricades stood, and tell you what paradoxical events happened during these tragic days. The participants of the tour will learn how love and revolution went hand in hand.
The cost of excursion service:
Walking tour for groups from 2 to 15 people: 500 rubles.
Time of the event: during the summer, every Saturday and Sunday.
Start at 17.00. Duration: ~ 2 hours.
Address: Bolshoy Predtechensky lane, 4
+7 (499) 252-30-35
This is a bright route through the streets of Presnya, where history was made, poets and writers, artists and sculptors, industrialists and workers lived. Places associated with Presnya were mentioned in their works by Leo Tolstoy and Boris Pasternak. On the tour you will learn how the Georgians gave the name to the whole settlement where Pushkin's love lived, you will see how workers lived on Presnya and how different epochs were reflected in the architecture of the district.
The cost of excursion service:
Walking tour for groups from 2 to 15 people: 500 rubles.
Time of the event: during the summer, every Saturday and Sunday.
Start at 17.00. Duration: ~ 2 hours.
Address: Bolshoy Predtechensky lane, 4
+7 (499) 252-30-35
Route: Museum Yard — Bolshoy Predtechensky Lane — Humpback Bridge — Devyatinsky Lane, Novinsky Boulevard, Povarskaya St. — Barricadnaya St. — Bolshaya Gruzinskaya St. — Malaya Gruzinskaya St.
Many great writers and poets lived on Presnya, in their works they mentioned the places they visited, lived, loved. The route passes through the house of Griboyedov, Dal, Vysotsky, Mayakovsky, Mikhalkov, where monuments and memorial plaques to great writers are installed. Places described in the works of Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Kuprin, Anton Chekhov.
Cost: 500 rubles. Audio equipment is provided.
Time of the event: during the summer, every Saturday and Sunday.
Start at 17.00. Duration: ~ 2 hours.
+7 499 252 30 35
The participants of the tour will be able to visit the only undisclosed illegal printing house of Russian Social Democrats operating in Moscow under the guise of a wholesale store selling Caucasian fruits. Find out all the secrets of conspiracy, go down to the basement, study the original texts of newspapers and leaflets from the period of the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907, see what kind of environment surrounded the residents of Moscow of those years, how apartments looked like in the era of the Russian Empire and grocery stores of the early XX century.
The cost of the excursion service:
- 2000 rubles. — a group of up to 5 people;
- 3000 rubles. — a group of up to 15 people;
- 1200 rubles. — the weekend rate "Family in the Museum" (up to 5 people)
For the excursion, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person.
Address: Moscow, Lesnaya str., 55, Belorusskaya metro station, Mendeleevskaya
More than a hundred years ago, on Lesnaya Street in Moscow, under the sign "Wholesale of Caucasian fruits Kalandadze", the only illegal printing house of the Party of Russian Social Democrats (RSDLP), undisclosed by the police, was hiding in Russia. The store served as a cover for a conspiratorial underground, in which banned revolutionary leaflets and the social-democratic newspaper Rabochy were published.
The costumed museum tour "Shop with a Secret" provides visitors with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the past and find themselves in a real underground printing house during the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907. During the tour, the secrets of the conspiratorial work of the beginning of the XX century will be revealed, thanks to which the illegal printing house has remained a secret for police representatives and uninitiated residents of Moscow. And unusual characters — "gendarme", "maid" and "fruit shop owner" - will reveal all these secrets to the participants of the excursion. At the end of the excursion program, visitors will have a master class on printing a 1905 leaflet on special equipment.
Age category: for students of grades 1-11.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost of the costumed excursion "Shop with a secret": 2500 rubles (for groups up to 5 people) and 4500 rubles (for groups up to 15 people).
Additionally, an entrance ticket to the museum is purchased for each person.
Entrance fee: 260 rubles (adult) and 130 rubles (favorable).
Children under 16 years old, as well as persons accompanying a children's excursion group (no more than 2 people) — free visiting.
Phone for recording: 8 (499) 251-69-43.
The tour reveals little-known pages of the political history of Russia: the process of formation of professional personnel of the revolutionary environment at a turning point in Russian history. Visitors will see exhibits, among which are rarities of the stock collections of the NCMSIR, collected by the Society of Former Political Prisoners and Exiled Settlers in the 1920s and 1930s.
The cost of excursion service:
- 1200 rubles. — a group of up to 5 people;
- 2000 rubles. — a group of up to 15 people.
For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: 55 Lesnaya str.
In 1905, on the outskirts of Moscow, next to the police station, under the guise of the Kalandadze Caucasian Fruit Wholesale store, an illegal printing house of the Party of Russian Social Democrats (RSDLP) operated - the only one in Russia undisclosed by the tsarist police. The people who worked in the shop and lived in the apartment adjacent to it played the role of merchants and servants for customers, but in fact they were employees of the clandestine underground, which produced banned revolutionary leaflets and the social-democratic newspaper "Worker".
Why was it necessary to open an illegal underground under the very noses of the gendarmes? How did the maid Masha give an alarm signal to the employees of the printing house? With the help of what tricks and techniques did the revolutionaries manage to hide the printing house so that not a single policeman found it during the searches? Participants of our educational quest "Secrets of the Old House" will be able to answer all these questions, as well as immerse themselves in the world of secrets and conspiracy. Tourists will receive a specially prepared collection of thematic tasks, for which they will need to make a real detective investigation! And at the end of the quest, those who solve the mystery of the old house will have a master class on printing souvenir leaflets.
Age category: students of grades 4-11.
Duration of the tour: 1 hour.
The cost of the quest "Secrets of the old house": 2200 rubles (for groups up to 5 people) or 4200 rubles (for groups up to 15 people). Additionally, an entrance ticket to the museum is purchased for each person.
Entrance fee: 260 rubles (adult) and 130 rubles (favorable).
Children under 16 years of age, as well as persons accompanying a children's excursion group (no more than 2 people) — free admission.
Phone for recording: 8 (499) 251-69-43.
The epoch of the late XIX — early XX century in the Russian Empire was a turbulent time. The gendarmes and detectives from the "okhrana" were opposed by experienced underground revolutionaries. The battle was going on on all fronts. It was impossible to predict the outcome of the battle. Domestic and foreign agents, investigative work, investigation and secret surveillance opposed underground activities, the organization of banned parties, agitation and even terror.
During the quest, you will be able to study a lot of complex but interesting materials on this topic, get acquainted with unique historical artifacts, fill out a specially prepared collection of tasks and find answers to questions from the history of your personal detective business.
- 360 rubles. (entrance fee and a guide to the museum are included).
В 1905 году на Лесной улице, расположенной в одном из старых, исторических районов Москвы, под прикрытием магазина «Оптовая торговля кавказскими фруктами Каландадзе» была организована нелегальная типография РСДРП. Ближайшими соседями лавки (соответственно, и подполья) были настоящие враги революционной деятельности — знаменитая Бутырская тюрьма, казармы московской конвойной команды, полицейский участок и пост городового. В непосредственной близости от типографии — на Лесной улице и в Миусском трамвайном парке — во время Первой российской революции шли ожесточённые бои между восставшими рабочими депо и конвойной командой Бутырской тюрьмы.
Зачем нужно было создавать подпольную типографию в таком неспокойном и переполненном царской охранкой районе, как Миусы? Как эта местность способствовала конспирации деятельности, происходящей в подвале лавки Каландадзе? Наконец, почему эту типографию так и не раскрыли?
Ответить на эти вопросы, а также посетить саму типографию и прилегающую к ней квартиру подпольщиков смогут участники пешеходной экскурсии «Миусы под прикрытием».
Экскурсионный маршрут пройдёт по улицам, дворам и переулкам Миусов и закончится в музее «Подпольная типография 1905–1906 гг.». Миусское трамвайное депо и Бутырская тюрьма, Белорусский вокзал и другие дошедшие до наших дней сооружения раскроют перед участниками экскурсии историю района и происходивших здесь революционных событий начала XX века. Экскурсовод расскажет, откуда произошло название Миусы, зачем узникам Бутырской тюрьмы брили лишь половину головы, где была открыта первая в Москве линия электрического трамвая, а также какие методы социал-демократы использовали для конспирации подпольной типографии на Лесной улице.
Организационные детали:
+7 (499) 251-69-43
Located on the second floor, Krzhizhanovsky's apartment is one of the few, if not the only, apartment that has survived to this day with authentic interiors and furnishings in the Rational Art Nouveau style – a popular artistic style of the late XIX – early XX century. At the beginning of the XX century, the office of the Moscow branch of the "Electric Lighting Society of 1886" was located in this apartment, and since 1913 – the joint-stock company "Electric Transmission". In these companies, which are divisions of the German firm Siemens and Galske, Gleb Maximilianovich Krzhizhanovsky, a process engineer, has worked in various positions since 1910. Since 1919, after the nationalization of the house, he began to use the former office as an apartment, largely retaining the former situation. He lived here for 40 years until his death in 1959.
Krzhizhanovsky's apartment, which has an area of about 170 square meters, has six rooms, an entrance hall and a kitchen. The interiors of the hallway and five rooms have been preserved to this day: the reception room, the office of Gleb Maximilianovich, the room of his wife, Zinaida Pavlovna Krzhizhanovskaya (Nevzorova), the dining room and the bedroom. Exhibition halls are now located in two rooms that have lost their original appearance
On Sundays at 16:00.
The duration of the tour is 1 hour.
350 rubles excursion ticket + entrance ticket 200/100/0
The tour is dedicated to the history of the ancient Moscow district - Zamoskvorechye and Balchug Island. Special attention is paid to the history of the house on Sadovnicheskaya Street, where the Museum is now located.
The cost of excursion service:
- 2000 rubles. (group up to 15 people)
- 1200 rubles. (group up to 5 people)
- 350 rubles (individual excursion ticket)
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Sadovnicheskaya str., 30, p. 1
+7 (495) 959-59-94
The exposition presents radios and televisions, many of which exist in a single copy.
Here you can hear the unique "voices of the era", see a radio station disguised as a bucket made by concentration camp prisoners, find out what "talking paper" is. Among the exhibits are gifts to the first persons of the Soviet state: I. V. Stalin, M. I. Kalanin, G. M. Krzhizhanovsky, L. I. Brezhnev.
The cost of excursion service:
- 2000 rubles. (group of 15 people)
- 1200 rubles. (group of 5 people)
- 350 rubles (individual excursion ticket)
For the tour, an additional entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Sadovnicheskaya str., 30, p. 1
+7 (495) 959-59-94
The tour is dedicated to the history of the creation of the Museum-Gallery in the writer's village of Peredelkino. Visitors will get acquainted with the museum of collections and hobbies of the talented poet E.A. Yevtushenko, which contains the best works of artists of the XX-XXI centuries – P. Picasso, M. Chagall, F. Leger, M. Ernst, H. Miro, N. Pirosmani, L. Gudiashvili, M. Shemyakin, O. Tselkov, Y. Vasiliev, as well as a unique collection the author's photographs poets have taken during numerous trips around the world.
The cost of the excursion service:
- 3000 rubles. (group of 15 people)
- 2000 rubles. (group of 2-5 people)
- 1200 rubles. (weekend excursion "Family in the museum", group of 2-5 people)
- 350 rubles. (individual excursion ticket)
For the excursion, an entrance ticket to the Museum is additionally purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Museum address: Moscow, Vnukovskoye settlement, Peredelkino settlement, DSK "Michurinets, Gogol str., 1
The presenter will tell you who the writers are, and why they settled in Peredelkin, making it magical; what secrets of skill they possessed, and what is needed to write the most interesting book.
Here you can see paintings by outstanding artists of the XX century, unique photographs of Yevgeny Yevtushenko and chairs made of fancy trees, personal belongings of the poet and even a cane that once belonged to Mark Twain - the author of "Tom Sawyer".
The cost of the tour:
- 2500 rubles (a group of 6-15 people)
- 1500 rubles (a group of up to 5 people)
For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
The sightseeing tour will introduce visitors to the history of the creation of the Memorial Complex "Mednoye", which was founded in 1996 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The main purpose of the memorial is to perpetuate the memory of Soviet citizens – victims of political repression in the 1930s and 1950s and executed Polish prisoners of war.
During the tour, participants will visit memorial sites: a memorial sign, symbolic burials of Soviet citizens – victims of political repression, as well as the Polish military cemetery, where shot Polish prisoners of war - policemen, gendarmes, border guards are buried.
The cost of excursion service:
- 650 rubles. — a group of up to 5 people;
- 800 rubles. — a group of up to 15 people;
- 1000 rubles. — a group of up to 25 people.
- 550 rubles. — for school groups and groups of students up to 5 people
- 700 rubles. — for school groups and groups of students up to 15 people
- 800 rubles. — for school groups and groups of students up to 25 people
For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tver region, Kalininsky district, near the village of Mednoye.
Phone for recording: 8 (4822) 389-001
+7 (4822) 389-001
The exhibition focuses on the fate of the repressed residents of the Kalinin (Tver) region: peasants and artisans, leaders of the party apparatus and representatives of the local intelligentsia. The exhibition also tells about the process of rehabilitation of victims of political repression in the 1930s-1950s of the XX century. The exhibition presents personal archives and belongings of repressed residents of Tver and the region, copies of archival and investigative files of citizens.
The cost of excursion service:
- 750 rubles. — a group of up to 5 people;
- 900 rubles. — a group of up to 15 people;
- 1000 rubles. — a group of up to 25 people.
For an additional tour, an entrance ticket to the Museum is purchased for each person. For persons accompanying a children's excursion group, visiting of the Museum is free (no more than two people).
Address: Tver region, Kalininsky district, near the village of Mednoye.
Phone for recording: 8 (4822) 389-001
+7 (4822) 389-001
The lesson is held if there are at least 10 participants in the group.
Information on the program should be clarified by calling the Museum Information Center.
The cost for 1 person is 150 rubles.
+7 (4822) 389-001
The lesson is held if there are at least 10 participants in the group.
Information on the program should be clarified by calling the Museum Information Center
The cost for 1 person is 400 rubles
+7 (4822) 389-001
The lesson is held if there are at least 10 participants in the group.
Information on the program should be clarified by calling the Museum Information Center
The cost for 1 person is 600 rubles.
+7 (4822) 389-001
Приглашаем детей и их родителей, а также всех интересующихся историей совершить увлекательное путешествие в XX столетие вместе с нашими героями и помочь в их нелёгком, но очень интересном деле!
Перемещаясь из музея в музей, вы побываете в гостях у академика и в конспиративной квартире революционеров-подпольщиков, поможете любознательному репортёру и скромному домовому Митрофану, а заодно откроете для себя много нового и чрезвычайно интересного!
За успешное выполнение заданий и «патрулирование» в каждом из музеев участники получат памятные подарки, а те, кто смогут пройти маршрут квеста до конца, будут награждены дипломом «Музейный патруль»!
Детали квеста
Путешествие создаёте ВЫ!
Если вы приобрели билет онлайн, не забудьте взять ваш путеводитель в экскурсионном бюро.
1 взрослый и 1 ребёнок
1 взрослый и 2 ребёнка
1 взрослый и 3 ребёнка
2 взрослых и 1 ребёнка
2 взрослых и 2 ребёнка
2 взрослых и 3 ребёнка
Экскурсия поведает об истории создания Мемориального комплекса «Катынь», познакомит с основными мемориальными и архитектурно-художественными объектами. На примерах фактов из биографий смолян посетители узнают о судьбах тех, кто стал жертвами политических репрессий, а также получат информацию о деятельности советских карательных органов (ОГПУ, НКВД) на территории Смоленской области. В ходе экскурсии будет раскрыта суть таких понятий, как «враг народа», «приговор тройки» и др. На месте массовых захоронений советских граждан («Долина смерти») экскурсанты увидят скульптурную композицию авторства народного художника России А.Н.Ковальчука, включающей памятник «Расстрел» и Стену Памяти, на которой увековечены имена расстрелянных жителей Смоленской области.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 1000
до 15 человек: 1300
до 25 человек: 1800
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 900
до 15 человек: 1200
до 25 человек: 1600
Во время экскурсии посетители узнают о событиях, связанных с расстрелом польских военнопленных в Катынском лесу в 1940 году, ознакомятся с историей создания Мемориального комплекса «Катынь» и с его основными мемориальными и архитектурно-художественными объектами. Экскурсанты увидят стену памяти с именными табличками расстрелянных польских граждан, захоронения польских военнопленных: братские могилы и индивидуальные могилы польских генералов Бронислава Богатыревича и Мечислава Сморавинского.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 900
до 15 человек: 1100
до 25 человек: 1600
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 800
до 15 человек: 1000
до 25 человек: 1300
Экспозиция в Павильоне главного входа посредством современных мультимедийных технологий позволяет представить масштаб трагических событий, происходивших в урочище Козьи горы в 1930–1940-х годах. Представленные в экспозиции материалы рассказывают о судьбах людей, подвергшихся репрессиям на территории Смоленской области. Особую ценность представляют личные вещи репрессированных, подлинные документы и фотографии, которые передавались в музей родственниками погибших, а также артефакты, обнаруженные на территории польского кладбища в ходе эксгумационных работ 1990-х годов.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 650
до 15 человек: 800
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 650
до 15 человек: 800
* Дополнительно приобретаются входные билеты
В ходе экскурсии посетители узнают о положении польских земель в составе Российской империи в начале XX века, возникновении независимого польского государства после Великой российской революции и завершения Первой мировой войны, причинах и итогах польско-советской войны 1919–1921 годов, о взаимоотношениях между странами в межвоенный период. Музейные экспонаты помогут узнать историю советско-польских отношений в годы Второй мировой войны, рассмотреть взаимоотношения в послевоенное время между СССР и Польской народной республикой, а также Российской Федерацией и Республикой Польша на современном этапе. Особенностью экспозиции является сочетание подлинных музейных предметов и специально разработанных современных мультимедийных программ.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 900
до 15 человек: 1200
до 25 человек: 1400
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 900
до 15 человек: 1200
до 25 человек: 1400
* Дополнительно приобретаются входные билеты
Экскурсия адаптирована для семей с детьми в возрасте от 10 до 14 лет, способствует совместному проведению досуга и усвоению сложного исторического материала на понятном и доступном языке. В рамках данной экскурсии у детей сформируется представление о музее в целом и о Мемориальном комплексе «Катынь» как месте памяти и скорби.
Стоимость: 950 (до 5 человек в группе)
* Входные билеты входят в стоимость
В рамках экскурсии посетители ознакомятся с историей создания Мемориального комплекса «Катынь», узнают о трагических событий, происходивших в урочище Козьи горы в 1930–1940-х годах, о процессе увековечивания памяти репрессированных советских граждан – уроженцев и жителей Смоленской области, а также польских военнопленных. Посетители получат информацию о важнейших событиях в истории российско-польских отношений с 1900-х годов и до наших дней.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 1300
до 15 человек: 1600
до 25 человек: 1900
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 1300
до 15 человек: 1600
до 25 человек: 1900
* Дополнительно приобретаются входные билеты
Участники экскурсии узнают историю создания Мемориального комплекса «Катынь», осмотрят основные мемориальные и архитектурно-художественные объекты. Знакомство с территорией мемориального комплекса будет сопровождаться информацией о судьбах смолян, ставших жертвами политических репрессий, и польских военнопленных, расстрелянных весной 1940 года. На месте массовых захоронений советских граждан («Долина смерти») экскурсанты увидят скульптурную композицию, включающую памятник «Расстрел» и Стену Памяти с увековеченными на ней именами расстрелянных. Посетители узнают о событиях, связанных с расстрелом в Катынском лесу польских военнопленных в 1940 году, ознакомятся с мемориальной стеной с именными табличками расстрелянных польских граждан, осматривают захоронения польских военнопленных: братские могилы и индивидуальные могилы польских генералов Бронислава Богатыревича и Мечислава Сморавинского.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 1400
до 15 человек: 2000
до 25 человек: 2800
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 1300
до 15 человек: 1600
до 25 человек: 2000
* Входные билеты входят в стоимость
Данная экскурсия объединяет 4 обзорных экскурсии, в ходе которой посетители получат информацию об истории создания Мемориального комплекса «Катынь», об основных объектах и архитектурно-художественных сооружениях комплекса, о судьбах смолян – жертвах политических репрессий, и польских военнопленных, расстрелянных весной 1940 года. Экскурсанты узнают о важнейших событиях в истории российско-польских отношений с 1900-х годов и до наших дней, о процессе увековечивания памяти репрессированных советских граждан – уроженцев и жителей Смоленской области. Благодаря сочетанию подлинных музейных предметов и специально разработанных современных мультимедийных программ воссоздаются значимые страницы отечественной истории и межгосударственных отношений России.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 2100
до 15 человек: 3600
до 25 человек: 5000
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 1900
до 15 человек: 2800
до 25 человек: 3600
* Входные билеты входят в стоимость
Вниманию посетителей будет представлено уникальное живописное полотно известного российского художника Анатолия Булдакова «Смоленск великокняжеский». На картине изображён город Смоленск в один из самых значительных и легендарных периодов его истории: середины XII – начала XIII веков, когда он становится центром Смоленского княжества – одного из наиболее мощных русских княжеств. Знакомство с картиной поможет сформировать представление об историческом прошлом древнего Смоленска: его знаменательных событиях, архитектурном наследии и о многом другом.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 500
до 15 человек: 700
до 25 человек: 1 000
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 500
до 15 человек: 700
до 25 человек: 1 000
* Входные билеты входят в стоимость
Экскурсия посвящена основным событиям Второй мировой войны 1939 – 1945 годов и Победе Советской Армии в Великой Отечественной войне 1941 – 1945 годов. Участники экскурсии узнают о современных формах увековечения памяти погибших при защите Отечества, таких как поисковое движение, клубы исторической реконструкции, научно-исследовательская и музейная деятельность. Экскурсионный рассказ богат многочисленными фактами о крупных военных сражениях, выдающихся полководцах, деятельности фронтовых фотокорреспондентов, первых награждениях высшими государственными орденами и медалями и др.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 800
до 15 человек: 1 000
до 25 человек: 1 200
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 800
до 15 человек: 1 000
до 25 человек: 1 200
* Отдельно приобретаются входные билеты
В ходе экскурсии посетители мемориала ознакомятся с историей политических репрессий в СССР в период 1918 – начала 50-х годов XX века. Особенности деятельности карательных органов того времени (ВЧК, ОГПУ, НКВД), специфика работы внесудебной системы с советскими гражданами (ОСО, «двойки», «тройки»), процедура реабилитации и восстановления доброго имени граждан – всё это будет представлено в рассказе экскурсовода с использованием фактического материала.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 1 200
до 15 человек: 2 100
до 25 человек: 3 200
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 1 000
до 15 человек: 1 500
до 25 человек: 2 200
* Входные билеты входят в стоимость
Сохранение памяти о репрессированных гражданах является одной из важнейших задач Мемориального комплекса «Катынь». Данная экскурсия подробно рассказывает о смолянах – жертвах политических репрессий, их родственниках как членах семей «изменников родины», а также о процессе реабилитации и увековечивания памяти о них, поисково-эксгумационных экспедициях, проводившихся на территории комплекса. Подлинные музейные предметы (архивные документы, личные вещи) и специально разработанные современные мультимедийные программы позволяют глубоко погрузиться в истории одного из самых трагических явлений XX века.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 1 700
до 15 человек: 3 000
до 25 человек: 4 200
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 1 500
до 15 человек: 2 300
до 25 человек: 3 200
*Входные билеты входят в стоимость
После революционных событий 1917 года гонениям за свои религиозные убеждения стали подвергаться не только священнослужители, но и их сторонники, оказывавшие поддержку Православной церкви. Среди таких прихожан-мирян были представители разных сословий: известные смоленские дворяне, общественные деятели, чиновники и многие другие.
Экскурсия рассказывает о государственной политике по отношению к религии и служителям культа в 1918-1938 годах на примере Смоленской области. Через наиболее громкие следственные процессы этого периода посетители узна́ют о жизненном пути священнослужителей Русской Православной церкви, впоследствии причисленных к лику новомучеников и исповедников церкви Русской. При посещении Храма Воскресения Христова экскурсанты смогут осмотреть его внутреннее убранство и ощутить с заложенные в него символы веры.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 1 200
до 15 человек: 1 900
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 1 100
до 15 человек: 1 600
* Входные билеты входят в стоимость
В рамках экскурсии посетители знакомятся с важнейшими событиями в истории российско-польских отношений на протяжении более ста лет. Экскурсантам представляются материалы о положении польских земель в составе Российской империи, создании независимого польского государства после Великой российской революции, причинах и итогах польско-советской войны 1919-1921 гг., отношениях между двумя странами в годы Второй мировой войны и в послевоенный период, российско-польских взаимоотношениях на современном этапе. Большое внимание уделено процессу увековечивания памяти репрессированных советских граждан – уроженцев и жителей Смоленской области, а также польских военнопленных.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 1 400
до 15 человек: 1 700
до 25 человек: 1 900
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 1 400
до 15 человек: 1 700
до 25 человек: 1 900
* Дополнительно приобретаются входные билеты
В рамках экскурсии посетители получат наиболее полную информацию об истории создания Мемориального комплекса «Катынь», знакомятся с основными объектами и архитектурно-художественными сооружениями музея. На территории комплекса экскурсантам рассказывают о судьбах смолян, ставших жертвами политических репрессий, и польских военнопленных, расстрелянных весной 1940 года. Представлены значимые материалы, рассказывающие о важнейших событиях в истории российско-польских отношений за более чем вековой период, процессе увековечивания памяти репрессированных граждан.
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 2 300
до 15 человек: 2 600
до 25 человек: 3 200
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 2 300
до 15 человек: 2 600
до 25 человек: 3 200
* Дополнительно приобретаются входные билеты
Данные экскурсии посвящены временным выставкам, проходящим в Мемориальном комплексе «Катынь». Как правило, такие экскурсии являются авторскими и проводятся непосредственными кураторами выставок. С информацией об экспонируемых в настоящий момент выставках можно ознакомиться в разделе «Новости».
Для взрослых групп:
до 5 человек: 400
до 15 человек: 550
Для школьников и студентов:
до 5 человек: 400
до 15 человек: 550
* Дополнительно приобретаются входные билеты