Иконка версии для слабовидящих

Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun from 11:00 to 18:00, 

Mon – closed

260 / 130 / 0 ₽

The gallery is opened by the photo exhibition "My Humanity", which consists of 229 photographs and is dedicated to the memory of one of the outstanding masters of world photography, Edward D. Steichen (1879-1973), who highly valued the work of Yevtushenko as a photographer.

According to the author's intention of E. Yevtushenko, photos of the first hall of the exhibition are combined into eight series:

  1. USSR. Early photos.
  2. Siberia.
  3. China between communism and capitalism.
  4. Arabian corner.
  5. Asia.
  6. London Corner. Hyde Park.
  7. Kaleidoscope.
  8. Italian corner. Italian partisans

Having traveled almost the whole world (Russia, China, Southeast Asia, Italy, England, Egypt, Spain, etc.), the poet brought photographs of people, landscapes, cities and countryside from every country. Yevtushenko's human faces are the document of history, of epoch. Bright and lively, they illustrate various aspects of human life in the 20th century. The whole meaning of the presented author's photographs can be expressed in one line of the poet: "I would like to be born in all countries."